Thursday 28 January 2016

Around the World in 80 Words - or more...

So I was checking the stats on my blog today, as one does when one has a blog. But I'd never really delved into it in detail. Anyway, I was suddenly curious to know how many of you out there are actually reading this - and what I saw really caught me by surprise. Apparently I have readers all over the world!
I would like to take a minute to say hi - and thanks for reading! To all you film fanatics and possibly fellow bloggers out there, I really appreciate you taking the time out to read my stuff. Greetings to those of you in Russia, Germany, the UK, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Singapore, and my own home South Africa. You guys rock! It's nice to know that my words aren't being typed into an abyss. 

This one's for you. Today, I'll be reviewing an older film - or rather a remake of a much older film, and a story that's even older than that! "80 Days Around the World" (the one from 2004 with Jackie Chan!). Let's kick some blogs shall we? But first, the trailer:

Now, I was going to try write this review in 80 words. But... yeah... 

Just for the fun of it, I'll try. Starting now:

Big budget. Big laughs. Low earnings. The 2004 action-adventure comedy failed to impress. However it still stands as one of those fun, imaginative ones that sparked the eye for adventure in me as a boy. One of those where you wanted to run, grab a toy sword and become Jackie Chan. So what if it was a critical flop? Bad movie? No. I think we expect too much of our movies sometimes. All the right ingredients - perhaps the audience had the wrong taste buds (Darn! Almost made it!). Message: Don't be afraid to dream. Aim high. As Dr. Suess said, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Did you know this was also Arnold Schwarzenegger last movie before he took a break from acting to become a governor? He later returned in 2010's "The Expendables". Don't know if that's a reflection on this movie... For more information on this fun flick see the wiki link below:

Rock on world-wide readers!


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